
no harm

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Endangered Animals

                                   Endangered Animals

          Did you know that there are about three thousand endangered breeds in the world? Some of the reasons that some animals go extinct is because humans are destroying the animals homes, not getting enough food, and being hunted. We need to stop this!  

           African Elephants may become exticted by the year 2020, thats only five years from now! The reason for that is thats they are poached by hunters. They hunt them only to take the ivory tusks to make jewelry, ornaments and other things. The main importer of the ivory is China. They buy the ivory and have it imports to their country for them to start making it into things and to start and sell it.  Do you think we could stop the extinction of the African Elephants? I think we can. 

          Between 30 and 50 percent of all animal species are very close to being extinct. The predicted time for their extinctions is around mid century! Thats not far away people, we need to do something and fast!  The biggest thing making them go extinct is things like our logging companies and mining companies because they are taking up land, land that is all of animals homes and habitats. It would be like someone coming over to your house and running it over with a bulldozer or excavator of some sorts. You wouldn't be very happy or have a place to live would you, I mean you could probably go to a family house but most animal species can't do that. The companies are also taking their food. They need food to eat so they die off because they don't have any of it. 

One the main reasons that pandas have become endangered is habitat destruction. 

Another reason is that humans take there only food source, bamboo which we use for food and housing sometimes. The last biggest reason is that they are being hunted by poachers. Poachers are poaching pandas to get there skin and fur. 

           We can stop this, we can make a difference!


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